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The Worlds Best Selfie Lighting // N A R N I A

Most of my day trips start with rather ambitious goals, most of them revolving around an early morning start. You would think that a week of 5am starts would have me primed for early mornings. You would be wrong. I am the worst morning person I have ever met. In school my friends wouldn't talk directly to me until 9.30-10am. It wasn't that they ignored me, more they knew that they wouldn't get a polite answer out of me before this time. So if you've ever encountered me in the morning and I've resembled a bear coming out of hibernation, sorry. You've now been warned.

This trip was no different. We had talked about leaving early, we even went to bed early all prepared. When we woke up though, it wasn't as early as we had anticipated. We were also treated with New Zealand's lovely bi-polar weather. Though I was thankful for the sunshine. When it rain's its so hard to judge how to dress. Most people would assume water-proof clothing would be a good place to start. In New Zealand its not that easy. When it rains that means it's humid af! Though you may be protected from the rain, there is little to protect you from your own sweat.

On this lovely Saturday, we decided to hit the Coromandel Peninsula. Our destination was the beautiful Cathedral Cove, otherwise known as Narnia. Im not kidding, see the pictures! Yup, I was where a movie was made. In New Zealand, it is pretty hard to go somewhere and not have had a film capture it before you. Im not trying to be boastful, it is fact. New Zealand really is beautiful. They'd be silly if they didn't film movies here!

I feel I need to remind people that New Zealand roads are usually crap and windy. The lovely rain made this trip rather interesting. However, it took just after two hours to get to our destination. I feel this is bad to admit but I've only been to the Coromandel once before. Since then I have always said I'd be back but haven't managed to. There is no real excuse to give either. I got there in the end though and it was well worth the wait, even if the weather wasn't optimal. From the top carpark it's a 30 minute walk to the beach. It is a very easy walkway with two smaller bays to see along the way plus a point where you can admire the cliffs that frame the sea. When the sun did decide to shine, the water lit right up, showing off its turquoise shades.

We decided to take a detour out to the point. At the very end you can step out onto a rock that over locks the water. I have a way of getting myself into situations that I have trouble getting out of. One of these is in relation to heights. I have zero problems getting up and out but then I get stuck when I either need to jump or need to come back. This was no different. I eagerly stepped out but as soon as I had my back to the water I started freaking. Not as badly as my sister though (hence the cute pictures above). She has a fear of heights but often pushes herself to get out there. Most often it ends in her freaking out and holding her eyes shut so tight she starts to cry, but hey at-least she gets out there. Halfway through our photoshoot the rain came in and we had to trek back through the long grass in it. Awesome, not.

Much like all other tracks in New Zealand, you walk through pockets of lush New Zealand forest, often a mixture of tropical and non-tropical trees. Under the canopy of the forest, you see the sun fighting its way through and mist make its way down. It really is gorgeous. After you weave your way down, you come upon stairs. Here you finally make the descent to the beach. At the bottom, it opens right up and you realise just how little you are surrounded by the landscape. In stark contrast to the beaches of New Zealand's west coast, Cathedral Cove is picture perfect with its white sand and turquoise waters. Add the cliffs that outline where the waters edge ends, with the heavy green hair (otherwise known as trees) that tops it, you really do feel like you stepped out into a story.

As I said earlier, this place in particular is the site of a scene in Narnia.

Even on a less then optimal weather day, the place was bloody beautiful! Sadly, it was also heavily populated with tourists. We spent the usual amount of time running around on the beach and into the water that was surprisingly still warm. As per usual, we were dressed for the rain and cold that was Hamilton, not the sunshine that was present at the cove. I think this takes the cake as my favourite beach yet. I can imagine how amazing it would be on a summer day with a picnic in tow. It also helps that this beach probably has the best selfie lighting of life! Like I am not joking at all! Take a look for yourself!

Seriously! Can you get any better lighting? I don't think so!

Also if you didn't know, we are off to Canada on Tuesday! Keep on the look out for more posting frequency while I'm on holiday! For now if you have been lazy, like me, and haven't made it out there yet I suggest you go now. You will not be disappointed.

Ps. You found Lydia (in Narnia) xx



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