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10 Tips to Kill Any New Zealand Adventure

Hey Hey Hey!

Since I've been back in NZ, I've been rather weather fortunate. It hasn't been as cold as it was during my month away, its been pretty sunny (albeit on and off), and our house has a fireplace. On the nights it has been cold that fireplace has given me life! It also helps dry the clothes which is ideal!

What has happened though is a pattern of sunny AF weather Monday - Friday and then rain, rain, rain all weekend. Not only has this made laundry difficult but its also made for a lack of adventuring. Now this isn't all bad, after all I am a student and do have assignments to write vs procrastinate.

This has made me think though. The amount of people that think NZ is a tropical island is a tad ridiculous. No it aint Canada cold but it sure isn't Cook Island hot either. Yet people come flocking in looking for the sun and I'm over here like "sorry, you've got us confused with Australia again *eyeroll + face-palm emoji*." I think New Zealand's advertising has a massive part to play in this as I believe it is a bit deceiving. It most definitely isn't not all sunshine and rainbows but even in the rain you can find that pot of gold! Preparation truly is key.

So after all that you may be wondering what I am even talking about this week. Well I am going to do my civic duty and help a sister (or bother) out. Here are my top tips for traveling New Zealand for local and tourists alike!

TIP #1- Always, always, always have a pair of shoes with you.

To some of you this may sound a bit like common sense but here me out, it is more then acceptable in this country to be barefoot or in jandles (flip flops) year round. I kid you not, it can be the dead middle of winter but you will see someone in the super market in barefeet. For those of us who live here, it is a well embraced way of life. Sometimes too well hence the need for this tip. Trips will turn from paved roads and nice steps to a literal mountain climb with a chain protecting you from the cliff on the other side in a matter of seconds. You can go from strolling along a beach to climbing a gravel paved track. Being prepared is essential.

TIP #2 - Lightweight waterproof clothing is a must!

Mainly because our weather is bipolar as hell but also because even when it rains it's warm and you end up sweating. I kid you not, this one catches many of us locals out and we are used to our weather! You often hear of many places having all seasons in one day. That description can (and should) be used to accurately describe New Zealand. It is a beautiful place but you often see it cold, wet and sweaty.

TIP #3 - Learn how to navigate a round-about.

Just do it. They are everywhere.

TIP #4 - Keep left!

And I don't just mean on the road. Entrances, escalators and roads are all left oriented, meaning you enter, ascend/descend or drive on the left side. This is something that still catches me out sometimes. When you go so long out of instinct in one direction it takes a bit of getting used to. On a more serious note though, this is crucial when on our roads. Our daily 6pm news is often full of car accidents that too often involve tourists not keeping left. Most hired vehicles now have stickers reminding you to and we have arrows on our roads to keep you in check. Don't take it lightly, remember our bodies go into auto when doing something like driving and we often won't realise until its too late. Trust me, Ive been on the right side, in a city with a meridian to my left and head lights looking at me.

Tip #4.1 - Be careful on our roads, they suck!

Our roads are aweful! The government is currently doing a decent job at cleaning this up but for the majority our roads are not 'algud'. For example, you will be driving on what looks like a straight stretch of road. What you won't see is that this road is not flat and made your seatbelt work double time to compensate for you bumping up and down. Other things to note, the majority of our roads are windy, they are narrow (often utilising mirrors to help you turn corners) and we have no idea what a ditch should be. Also our cops take speeding tickets to a whole 'notha level so being on our roads isn't the most fun time. Yet it is necessary cause you really cant experience NZ better then through a road trip.

TIP #5 - Early bird gets the worm.

This is actually a tip my sister picked up on. Im sure we all know that NZ is a little place full of people who want to see it. Alot of these people though don't want to wake up early for it. However, if you do rise just a tad bit earlier it does mean that tourist attractions, usually packed with people, will be your playground. This doesn't mean a ridiculously early wake up either, it could just mean a more efficient morning routine. If you see a place on IG that your dying to get a photo of, get up and go! Having a place all to yourself in this country is rare! Others will tell you to come in the off-season but let me make this clear, there really is not 'off season' and us locals cant really do that anyway so we just gotta make the most of it! (Plus refer back to tip 2, with our weather there really is no off season haha).

TIP #6 - Experience the culture.

I may be a little biased here but the indigenous people of NZ have a beautiful culture. If you do come to NZ and don't experience the Māori culture I think you've truly missed out. I'm not well traveled but I have seen enough to know that what New Zealand has is beautiful and rare. Though not absent of discrimination, the ability of Māori to be able to share their culture openly is something that needs to be embraced more and realised by others that this is a freedom not afforded to all. Get amongst it even is at a rugby game, learn why the All Blacks do a Haka.

TIP #7 - Eat a pie. Or 3.

Meat pies are like a delicacy that isn't a secret or overly special, inside New Zealand that is. Outside though, its pretty hard to get your hands on a quality meat pie. I think food basically speaks for itself so I'll just say, if at first you don't succeed, try again. Not all pies are made equal so don't let your first experience be your last. They are a trusty companion, keeping you warm and full! My personal favourite is the classic steak and cheese. Whats yours?

TIP #8 - This place is expensive! Make sure you plan.

As much as you may want to be a free bird, the price of being here is expensive! We often say going to Thailand for a week will be cheaper then staying in our own country. Down here at the bottom of the world we are subject to ridiculous prices of food, gas and make up (cause priorities). Though I 100% support going with the flow remember that the flow doesn't control you. NZ can be real expensive but it doesn't have to be! Be smart, make sure you save and don't expect a country so well versed in back-packing culture to be kind on the wallet. It won't be cheap but you are paying for quality (for the most part).

TIP #9 - You would benefit from learning some NZ lingo.

Certain Kiwi phrases often come across wrong or misheard. In fact my mum was called to school in Canada because my brother kept 'swearing'. Turns out he was just being a Kiwi boy and saying 'Sweet as' not 'Sweet a**'. Kiwis talk fast with a slight mumble so it can get even more confusing. Give this a read while on the plane and I'm sure you will benefit. Oh and a heads up, New Zealanders say 'eh' more then Canadians.

TIP #10 - Don't be a dick!

New Zealand likes to have this persona of being clean. The reality is that no matter where you are in the world, people will not leave only footsteps, and more often then not, locals are the worst. Sadly a number of our 'best kept secrets' have been ruined because people did not respect the land (or water) and are now have restricted . Treating someone how you want to be treated should not be limited to humans. Be kind to the earth and she will be kind back.

BONUS TIP #11 - IG and Google will be your best friend.

Though I know people now have stopped tagging places on IG, any solid social media and google stalk will let you in on the secrets of every region! Don't just go to the big places you see first. Dig a little deeper and I promise you'll probably find your favourite place in this country. And for us locals, don't think that your part of NZ has nothing to offer, chances are it does.

And thats it!

My top 10 tips about traveling New Zealand. This is by no means an extensive list but I feel it covers things that are both important (pies) and necessary (driving).

What is your top NZ adventure tip?

Lydia xx



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