Summer Lovin', Having a Blast
Hello Friends!
I thought I'd surprise you all with a random post on a random day to add to the current inconsistency that is my blog. However, in this new year my main goal is to be organised. This may not seem very ambitious to some of you but is a quality I have seriously lacked in the last year (insert crying face emoji - with my tears then smiles). As I am still studying though the fortnightly posting will remain the same. I would love to hear from you guys if you prefer a certain day for me to post. Let me know!
New Zealand has been enjoying probably the longest heatwave in its existence. Not actually, but it seriously feels like the summer weather I remember as a child instead of the rather miserable wet summers we have enjoyed for the last few years. I wrote on social media how great it was to have these long summer days. Apart from the few days of sun or my time in Canada, the past 4 years have definitely been more rain then shine. The cool summer breeze sweeps through our home as we enjoy the longer days, fresh fruit and holiday season. Not only that but you can feel the happiness the sun has brought to Hamilton. Literally the whole town feels happier. I for one am definitely a better person when the sun's out.
Summer season also meant we got to celebrate the wedding of dear friends Matt and Courtney. Seriously these guy put on a good show out in the middle of nowhere. Every part from the homemade wooden platters to the relaxed setting of the Woolshed was perfect and every bit a depiction of Matt and Courtney. Not only that but they had a food truck serving HUGE delicious burgers, a mini ice cream stall and some decent Moscato. It was seriously a wonderful night, which I think we all wish we could do again! Big up's to Matt and Court for putting on a great day. Thank you for inviting us to join in on the festivities, it was the perfect way to start the holiday season. I also take full blame for forgetting Nathan's shoes leaving him in flip flops the whole day.
Fast forward a couple weeks and Christmas was upon us! Something I've been struggling with is being present in moments and not just taking photos of them. So I decided that I would not document any of it and simply be amongst mine and Nathan's family. Instead I ate alot of food, sang karaoke and laughed with my cousins. I know Christmas time isn't jolly for everyone and I remember the years mum struggled to make it a happy time for us. However, through it all we always remembered the real reason for the season and never needed anything more then each other, watching movies, playing board games and putting together puzzles. My greatest memories of Christmas is the time we spent together, I literally never remember the presents I was given. Don't get me wrong I do love opening presents and seeing my siblings faces light up when they open theirs, but at the end of the day it is only a thing. Things are replaceable, people and memories are not. Hence my desire to be more present this year (lol present).
Anyway, I am grateful I get to celebrate and my family is blessed to do so comfortably. Was also super grateful for all my gifts. Finally got to pick up a lens for my new camera! Obviously I then had to test it out so I offered to help Nathan clean his canoe and car. By help I meant, he cleans it while I periodically get in the way taking photos. Sorry babe, I just couldn't resist.
We then decided to go to the beach, however my stomach was having major second day DOMS and so we just drove to the over crowded beaches and decided to instead have a little walk and fly around Musik Point. For those living in East Auckland, this is one of those places that you become used to, which kind of loses its beauty. As my blog is based on discovering, or in this case rediscovering, places within my own country, it seemed like the perfect place to test out my new toys.
On a sunny day this place does not disappoint! The bay dazzled in the sun. Rangitoto island looked as if it was laying down having a good tanning session. So we got the drone out and I forced Nathan to take photos with the camera seeing as he was too scared to fly the drone in the wind. I remember coming to these places as a kid, playing in the beaches on either side of this point. Swimming at the beaches, dodging jellyfish and making sand 'things'. I say things cause they definitely weren't castles. I don't particularly enjoy being in Auckland any more, my road rage seriously becomes hard to control here, but I do suggest to venture out East and enjoy the slower paced city living it has to offer, that is if you can afford to be in Auckland in the first place.
I hope you all enjoyed Christmas wherever you spent it. I see Canada is enjoying some seriously good snow while we enjoy the sunshine down here in the Southern Hemisphere. We are heading to Taupo to enjoy New Years with Nathan's family. Oh! I'm also jumping out of a plane. Trying not to think too much about that actually, butterflies and not feeling good do not mix well so hopefully by my jump my stomach is ok.
Wishing you all a happy New Years! Please be safe out there x
P.s You found Lydia xx