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Canada 150 // British Columbia, CA

Sorry that I have been away for so long! The past few weeks have been a mixture of holidays and fire. But Im getting ahead of myself so lets get back to the my second week here.

My sister made plans to see one of her very best friends. This friend also happens to be the sister of one of my best friends. Of course I jumped at the chance to see them. So we headed to Kamloops to see them. Kamloops has never been my favourite city. It doesn't have good shopping or good views. It is however, home to people dear to me and for that it has a soft spot.

We spent the afternoon catching up and before you knew it it was 11pm. There is something about a Canadian summers day. The sun is out and about for so long by the end of the day you are exhausted, yet you had no idea how tired you actually were. I am not complaining though as these extended hours are something I long for in a New Zealand summer. Im pretty sure a Canadian summer is one of the world's best kept secrets with too many people ignorant to the fact that Canada is not permanently covered in snow. Well my part of Canada anyway.

From Kamloops we headed north to my hometown of Barriere, with a population of 1,773 people. Yup that is right, 1,773 people live in my town. People have often told me that I couldn't come from a town smaller then theirs. I actually laugh and say it is highly likely I might. Nathan was actually a little shocked at the size of my town and the size of my high school. We headed to the pool where I spent most of my grade 12 year. The whole day was spent lounging on Freda the Flamingo.

When then headed back to Salmon Arm for a family photoshoot we had gifted our mum for her birthday. Just want to say a big thank you to Victoria Skofteby for taking our photos. My family is extremely awkward and she happened to capture us perfectly yet not so awkwardly. Massive thank you Victoria for putting up with the mosquitoes! Check out a few of my favourites below.

A few days later it was my brothers 16th birthday. Not surprisingly he spent it with his friends cause what fun is spending it with your older sisters. We then welcomed the grandparents and went to the lake to relax. Apparently the past spring was very wet and most of the lakes in the area had only just finished flooding. But the day was hot and the water just slightly warm enough to get in. We watched as the sun made its decline behind the hill and headed home.

Then came Canada's 150th birthday and what a beautiful day it was. I bought a drone, went to Barriere and lounged in and out of the pool sipping on cider and margaritas. It felt good to be back in Canada for its birthday. Though ours was super low-key, there was something special about reigning in the day in the gorgeous Canadian sun (if you cant tell I'm obsessed with the sun right now). The rest of the weekend was spent exploring here and there, test driving the drone and coffee.

It was the first week I got to see some of my closest friends. It was so good walking into a house that smelt like home, even if it wasn't my own. Though I may not be the best at showing it, I have always been thankful for my friends and their families dealing with me and my appetite. And boy was it good to finally be relaxing, filling time with Netflix and visiting.

Again Im so sorry for the lack in posting! Just because Im going to be doing a double post this week to catch up on my time here! I hope you all enjoy it x

BTW if you didn't already know I'm participating in an Instagram giveaway. I would so love it if it went to one of you guys so please head over to @ifoundlydia and get amongst it!

Oh and.... Ps. You found Lydia xx




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